Vim Visual Star Search

Install with vim-plug

This plugin expands the default * behavior of Vim

  • By default, when you press star (*) somewhere in the document, Vim will highlight the word under the cursor
  • Example: If I press star on name in the following line: def find-my-name(), name will be highlighted in the whole document.
  • This plugin expands that by allowing us to visually select the text we want to search for using the * command
  • When you add this plugin, you can visually select find-my-name, press * and it will be highlighted everywhere.


  • One place I use this often is when I have to substitute something. I'll visually select the word, then

  • The substitute command will assume whatever was last highlighted to be the word that is to be substituted.

To learn more about the plugin, visit this page

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Tagged in gvim