Preface In classical reinforcement learning, you learnt about the agent : environment interaction…
Preface Monte-Carlo Methods * Points to consider Monte-Carlo Prediction Monte-Carlo Control Off…
Preface Dynamic Programming Policy Iteration Steps Algorithm Policy Evaluation - Prediction…
RL Equations - State Value Function Expected value Questions RL Equations - Action Value Function…
Preface The Evolution of RL What is Reinforcement Learning Questions Agent-Environment Interaction…
Preface Topic Modelling Applications How it works Question Algorithms Non-Negative Matrix…
Preface Knowledge Graphs Types of Relationships Word Sense Disambiguation References Preface…
Preface Distributional Semantics Geometric Representation Cosine Similarity Machine Learning…
Preface Constituency Parsing * Question Dependency Parsing References Preface A key task in…
Preface Named Entity Recognition Noun POS Tags Simple rule-based NER tagger IOB Labelling Sequence…
Preface Syntactic Processing Applications Lexical Processing vs Syntactic Processing POS Tagging…
Purpose Canonicalisation Phonetic Hashing Edit Distance Spell Corrector Pointwise Mutual Information…
Preface Word Frequencies and Stop Words Tokenisation Bag-of-Words Representation Stemming and…
Preface Areas of Application Understanding Text Text Encoding Encoding Standard Regular Expressions…
Purpose Deep Learning is a subset of machine learning and hence it borrows a lot of common use cases…
Neural Network Topology Training a Neural Network Mathematically Complexity of the Loss Function…
Bi-Directional RNN Problems with Vanilla RNNs Long, Short-term Memory Networks Characteristics of an…
Purpose CNN - Introduction Challenges in Image Processing CNNs - A specialised architecture for…
Recurrent Neural Networks What are Sequences RNN Formulation Architecture of RNN The flow of…
Neural networks in industry applications Data Preprocessing: Shape, Size and Form Images - Channels…
Qualities Technical / Domain Competence Built/maintained full-stack apps, testing frameworks…
Purpose Limitations of K-Means Advantages of GMMs over K-Means Limitations of Fitting the Data using…
Support Vector Machines Maximal Marginal Classifier Soft Margin Classifier Summary Questions Kernels…
Purpose Identify the problem first Questions are more important than answers How to identify the…
Principal Component Analysis Problem with having a lot of features Applications of PCA…
Business Case Identifying the consumers of an e-commerce website Based on Gender Based on Age…
Types of Learning Unsupervised Learning Practical applications of Clustering Clustering vs…
Myth vs Reality Myth Reality You need an expensive resume writer You need custom resume for each job…
Purpose Bagging vs Boosting Bagging Boosting Question Weak Learners Question AdaBoost Steps Question…
Purpose Ensembles Idea Diversity Ways to achieve diversity Acceptability Why ensembles work Example…
Purpose About Decision Trees Building Decision Trees Top Down Greedy Question Hyperparmaeters…
Purpose of Logistic Regression Difference between Linear Regression and Logistic Regression Why is…
Flutter Flutter is a multi-platform framework, which was released on Dec 2018, and currently…
Flow of Information in Neural Networks Comprehension - Count of Pixels Dimensions in a Neural…
Constrained Minimization Ridge and Lasso Regression Signature of overfitting in Polynomial…
Purpose Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) Bottlenecks with Neural Networks Deep Learning…
Purpose Choice of Model Selection Practical Issues Domain Knowledge Class of Models Occams Razor…
Purpose Understanding the use of Linear Regression in the Industry / Real World Uses Forecasting…
Purpose Difference between Inferential Statistics & Hypothesis Testing Hypothesis Testing Critical…
Purpose Understanding ROC Curve ROC ROC stands for Receiver Operating Characteristic curve. This…
Random Variable which maps the output of a random experiment to a numerical value Radom Experiment…
Purpose Cost Function Closed Form Iterative Method Random Variables Maximum Likelihood Cost Function…
Purpose Effect of adding more variables on Formulation of Multiple Linear Regression Interpretation…
Table of Contents Frequency Table using pd.crosstab References What is Pandas Pandas is a library…
Effective Business Communication - Say more with less A quote by Albert Einstein If you can't…
Purpose Notes on Naive Bayes Classifier About Naive Bayes is a probabilistic classifier which…
Sampling Terminology Why taking large number of samples is good? Central Limit Theorem Confidence…
Power Communication 4 Power Listening Tools Tools Ask Strategy Approach Examples Mirror Strategy…
Notes from Live Session Impact Impact on Banking Impact on Retail - Snapdeal Impact on IT Industry…
PURPOSE There are times when you have to do something related to your version history, but you…
Table of Contents Table of Contents Purpose What are some examples of Machine Learning Model Types…
Purpose Exponential Functions Laws of Exponents Logarithm Property Note Solving Equations containing…
Purpose of Inferential Statistics From a small dataset, we have to figure out information such that…
Why Numpy over Lists? Speed of computation is faster Designed for data analysis Vector operations…
Purpose Companies usually collect a lot of data over time. Once they have enough data, they realize…
Purpose Understanding various types of Plots available for analyzing data Prologue Data…
Purpose Whatever data you get will most likely not be in a format that can be processed directly…
About Me I am a passionate software engineer who lives inside the terminal for most of the day by…
Purpose of this article General Questions Last/Current company's work experience Tell me something…
Merging DataFrames Note: can be set to left / right / inner / outer and it is similar to SQL is…
Reading from text file Reading from Database Scraping data using bs4 Reading data from PDF files…
Identify missing values Note: If there were any rows missing all values, we would simply drop them…
Reshape the array to a desired size Note: We can use '-1' as the last dimension during reshape and…
PURPOSE Sharing a collection of quick references for common issues encountered when coding in Python…
cron / cron job I had the sudden urge to figure out the full form for cron. As it turns out, it's…
PURPOSE To show that I do actually use Javascript sometimes. Although I may not be as succesful in…
PURPOSE Storing Python solutions for questions that I solve on HackerRank Return reverse of Array…
Run commands on multiple files at once Substitution Convert spaces to New Lines Convert new lines to…
PURPOSE Tips for writing a blog using Markdown You can learn Markdown Syntax from this guide. Adding…
PUPROSE Extracting Information such as OS, RAM, Virtualization State, GPU from a Windows Machine…
PURPOSE Sharing a collection of snippets to perform common AWS operations such as Upload and Cache…
PURPOSE A list of SQL queries that any developer worth his salt must know (or at least understand…
PURPOSE Storing Tips here for future reference Returning Multiple Rows in same Function without…
PURPOSE There are times when you need to figure out exactly who made the changes in a file…
Introduction Reflog is a powerful tool provided by Git and helps us in solving a variety of problems…
Create Super User If you delete your database, you won't be able to login back. Just recreate your…
Deleting all Images Using the Docker Quick Start Terminal in Windows: This will remove all the…
Technical / Domain Competence built robust & scalable full-stack apps, testing frameworks, scripts…
PURPOSE To share a collection of tutorials that I found useful and worth sharing Full Stack React…
Run apps in Admin Mode Run BAT files with Admin Privileges At the top your file, add the following…
Introduction Git, is the Version control system used by almost all the open-source (and many closed…
Introduction I realised that deleting code and/or blocks of unused text within a file is one of the…
Introduction Imagine, the power of terminal combined with the flexibility of Vim keybindings. Guess…
The following are the 5 qualities of a great software engineer They take their work very seriously…
Introduction As a software developer, we have a ton of responsibilities. Finish your tasks on time…
One Hot Encoding Why One Hot Encoding? Hackernoon Wikipedia
Introduction To put it simply, if you have ever used C/C++, Numpy is the equivalent of Arrays in…
HTML Quick Tips Creating a table with a Heading There can be situation when you want your HTML table…
PURPOSE Reverting to a previous state of your codebase can be challenging and at times scary, but…
Auto Pairs This plugin will add the corresponding character for a for the Install with vim-plug…
Vim Surround Install with vim-plug This plugin add extra vocubalary to your , , motions so you can…
EasyClip This plugin remaps your your bindings for and so that the contents on which these…
Vim Visual Star Search Install with vim-plug This plugin expands the default * behavior of Vim By…
Ayush Mandowara's Vim Config. How to setup: Make sure you have the latest version of Vim (>8.…
PURPOSE To create a Web App that focuses on scalabality & securtiy, "Django" is the go to framework…
Install commentary Configuration You can add your own custom key mapping for it. For Ex: Then, Just…
Install Create config file Make sure to source this file in Sneak Sneak is a motion plugin for vim…
Install FZF, Ripgrep, Universal-ctags, Silver-searcher First let's just install a bunch of awesome…
Conquerer of Completion This plugin is too featureful (bloated) to explain in a single blog post…
Plugin Airline and Airline themes Add the following to Create config Create theme file for airline…
PURPOSE To pass dynamic information from the server to the front end. Jinja Templating The Author…
Installing gVim On Windows Create config Make directory for your Vim config Create an file if not…
PURPOSE To pass dynamic information from the front end to the server HTML Forms Parsing The Author…
PURPOSE Understanding how to Render HTML Pages on a Flask based Web App The Author assumes that you…
PURPOSE Step 0: Optional Creating a virtual environment Step 1: INITIAL SETUP Step 2: CODING YOUR…
PURPOSE If you have multiple accounts on your machine, chances are you end up making commits from…
PURPOSE To change the Author of a previous commit in a Repository. Many times you end up commiting…
What is coc-marketplace? This extension is a marketplace for all other coc-extensions Note You will…
What is Codi? Codi is an interactive scratchpad for hackers. It opens virtual text which displays…
What are Nerd Fonts? From the repo: "Nerd Fonts is a project that patches developer targeted fonts…
What is Alacritty? Alacritty bills itself as the fastest terminal emulator in existence. From the…
Install Make sure you install CoC, I have a video for that here After setting up CoC you can install…
Packages we will need i3wm terminal X utilities autotiling Note If you want autotiling on Ubuntu or…
Install Create config file Make sure to source this file in Floaterm Floaterm is a floating…
What is the AUR? The AUR is the Arch User Repository, it essentially holds a bunch of packages from…
Setup your network Enable NetworkManager service Connect to Network Here we will simply add a new…
Install If you're on Linux you may first need The following command will automatically install fnm…
Install Create config file Make sure to source this file in Quickscope Form the github repo: "An…
Install Create config file Make sure to source this file in Which Key From the github repo: "vim…
Plugins We're going to be looking at 4 plugins that bring a good integrate git experience to Neovim…
Plug in Startify Create a config file Sessions This plugin will let us manage our sessions very…
Install colorizer Configuration Create a place for lua plugins Add the following: Remember to source…
Install nerdtree Add the following to Config Add the following to and source it. Append these…
Plugin your theme First open vim plug and add your theme, you can add as many themes as you want…
General Setings To include some basics in your config first create a directory called general and a…
Virtual environment We will need to create another virtual environment for deepspeech-gpu Install…
What is Deepspeech From Mozilla's github repo for deepspeech: "DeepSpeech is an open source Speech…
Here we will simply add a new user to our system and give them wheel access Add a user Add user…
A Note about installing Arch Linux There's a good chance by the time you are reading this that it is…
This article is from Github's help page here I am adding it here to quickly reference it when I…
The previous article explains how to properly install and configure Miniconda. This article will…
In order to setup a remote Jupyter Lab server you must complete the following steps: Open ports 2…
This guide will show you how to install the latest version of Miniconda. Miniconda is a lightweight…
Code can be found here This is a spring boot application which provides REST endpoints to perform…
Step 1: Download nvm If you're on linux you may first need The following command will automatically…