Configuring i3wm

Packages we will need

  • i3wm

  • terminal

  • X utilities

  • autotiling


If you want autotiling on Ubuntu or another distro head over to there github and grab the python file



Put this stuff in your .xprofile

I recommend pulling down my config to get started

We can grab some of my config like this:

Add status bar


For a list of all your commands open the ~/.config/i3/config file and look under each character to see what they do

Extending i3

You can checkout the i3ipc library for python if you're interested

Why use i3wm instead of any other?

I use i3wm because it was the first WM I was introduced to. I'm sure the other ones are great too.

It also has a very big community and lots of documentation.

Some other options to consider are:

  • dwm
  • xmonad
  • bspwm
  • awesome
  • spectrwm


i3 extras

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