Plugins with Vim-Plug

Installing gVim

  • On Windows

Create config

Make directory for your Vim config

Create an .vimrc file if not already present.

  • Note: _vimrc has a higher priority on Windows, so if it is present then either delete it, or add your config in _vimrc instead of `.vimrc'

Install vim-plug

You should now have plug.vim in your autoload directory so it will load of on start

Add a new file for plugins

We will manage our plugins in a separate file for the sake of my own sanity

Let's add some plugins

Add the following to %userprofile%\.config\vim\vim-plug\plugins.vim

Source your plugins

Add the following line to .vimrc

Vim-plug commands

Open vim. Make sure you have the vim executable in your %PATH% variables.

Check the status of your plugins

Install all of your plugins

To update your plugins

After the update you can press d to see the differences or run

To remove plugins that are no longer defined in the plugins.vim file

Finally if you want to upgrade vim-plug itself run the following

Where did I learn all this?

Check out vim-plug on github

Thank the author. Fork this blog.

Tagged in gvim