Effective Business Communication
Effective Business Communication - Say more with less
A quote by Albert Einstein
If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough
Advantages of Effective Communication
- excellent relationship
- less conflict
- negotiate better
Pillars of Effective Communication
- Add clarity to your communication by making it Specific
- Present your message concisely and precisely
What is Effective Communication
- How well are you being understood
- Is the objective of lossless communication being fulfilled
- Effective communication is about exchanging information a way where it is understood specifically, clearly and without any doubts. This is achieved through precise communication.
- Business communication is objective driven. Precise communication is required for the objective go be met.
- Lack of clarity and specificity in communication can cause misunderstandings, lead to wasted time and effort and result in conflict.
Who is a Great Communicator
- 70% listener
- 30% speaker
- reception is as important as transmission
- when you receive well, you know what exactly you should say
Precise Communication
- Communicating specifically means making the receiver understand a piece of message exactly the way it was intended to be to be, leaving no room for ambiguity.
- Specific communication is extremely important since no one can get inside someone else's mind to determine what they are thinking and why.
- Being specific helps ensure there are no gaps in what is being said and what is understood
Add relevant and important details
- 5W+H - Why, Who, What, When, Where and How
- Anticipate any questions the receive may have
- Quantify the communication, wherever possible
Example 1
- I will get back to you.
- I will get back to you ASAP
- I will get back to you in this week.
- I will get back to you tomorrow
- I will get back to you EOD tomorrow
- I will get back to you by 4 PM tomorrow
- I will get back to you at 4 PM tomorrow
Example 2
- Make the revisions and share the document with me
- Make the discussed revisions on pages 4, 8, 19 & 22. Once done, share the document with me by 3 PM tomorrow.
- Being concise means to be able to convey everything that you want to say in as few words as possible
- It involves stating only the important and relevant information and avoiding irrelevant ones.
- Too much of unnecessary information can lead to confusion
Check if you are concise
- have you given any irrelevant details? If so, delete them.
- Have you used any unnecessary sentences or words?
- Have you repeated a point several times, in different ways?
- My sister, who is employed as a nutritionist at the University of Mumbai, recommends the daily intake of a megadose of Vitamin C.
- My sister, a nutritionist at the University of Mumbai, recommends daily
Clear and Simple Communication
- Communicate using points or numbers
Simplify your language
- Avoid jargon, short forms, acronyms that the other person may not understand
- If you must use jargon, or can't find a better alternative, explain it when it first appears
- Use common words and language
- Share examples to elaborate on your message