Collection of Good Programming Videos


As a software developer, we have a ton of responsibilities.

  • Finish your tasks on time
  • Maintain a strict routine
  • Never extend your deadlines
  • Always be cheerful, no matter how much pressure you feel on yourself. Afterall, the work can be done by anyone, what matters is your behavior/attitude towards your work and coworkers.
  • Stay up to date with the latest and greatest
  • Keep building side projects or you will loose that edge
  • Just keep grinding, day-in, day-out.

In this rush, we sometimes forget some of the core principles and reasons why we ended up choosing this field of work in the first place.

To that end, I am listing below a variety of videos that you should watch, to be develop better software, employ better coding practices, and be a good engineer in general.

List of Videos

Good Practices

Open Source Mysteries

Being a Software Developer (Funny)


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